Pour l’Halloween, offrez un environnement sécurisant à votre compagnon

On Halloween, Provide Your Pet with a Safe Environment


With its costumes, decorations, and candy, Halloween is a favourite holiday for many, children and adults alike. And yet the bustle and commotion around this event can be very stressful for your pet.

A Frightening Fiesta

Put yourself in your pet’s paws for a few moments. Imagine the constant ringing of the doorbell, which instinctively sets off your barking or meowing as you head toward the door. There you see alarming beings, in wierd clothes—they hardly look human at all. They are given colourful, crinkly little packages that you would really love to play with, but your master denies them to you.In short, the mood created by Halloween is radically different from your pet’s everyday life. There’s a lot to be confused—even frightened—about, especially since your pet senses your emotions and those of the other human beings, which influences its own. If you let your cat out or take a walk with your dog during Halloween, for instance, your pet will undergo a significant amount of stress on seeing a stream of costumed people and hearing children’s howls and exclamations.Yet, it’s possible to celebrate this holiday while still offering your pet a reassuring environment.


Did you know?

Giving candies to your pet is highly discouraged. In fact, chocolate is not the only food that’s toxic for animals. Xylitol, for instance, a sugar substitute found in many candies, is also harmful to them. Raisins must also be avoided, since they can cause digestive problems and even acute kidney failure. That is why it is best to keep your treats out of your pet’s reach by placing them in a sealed container.


A quiet moment

Before the trick-or-treating, prepare a separate room where your pet can stay for the evening. Leave it enough water and food along with a toy to keep it busy. Depending on your pet’s tastes, you can even play some music to drown out the sound of the doorbell.


Did your know?

Stress can have huge repercussions on your pet’s digestive system. Soft stools, diarrhea, or flatulence are often indicators of a pet’s level of anxiety. Fortunately, you can give your dog or your cat supplements that are designed to reinforce their immune system and rebalance their gut flora.


Although it’s tempting to include your pet in all your activities, you should remember that animals cannot interpret events in the same way as you do. If they are too anxious and you push them too far, it could even prompt an accidental biting or cause them to run away. For the love of your pet, respect its habits.

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